Our family law team is made up of attorneys, junior lawyers, law students and other specialists from related fields, especially mediators and psychologists.

We respect our clients' wishes, but you will find we do not favour the "victory at any cost" strategy. Compromise is just as important in family law as it is in real families, although the positive effects sometimes only become apparent over time.

Mgr. Pavel Vintr

Pavel is a partner at bpv BRAUN PARTNERS, where he has worked since 2010.

He is an experienced lawyer and a great professional with a wealth of experience, but he does not lack empathy. He studied law at Charles University and enjoys spending time with his family, cycling and skiing.

Mgr. Adam Stawaritsch

Adam is an associate at bpv BRAUN PARTNERS since 2018, having previously gained experience in German-speaking countries.

He graduated from the Faculty of Law of Palacký University in Olomouc and his hobbies include travel and culture. He is characterized by his diligence, consistency and flexibility.

JUDr. Jana Škeříková, Ph.D.

Jana is an experienced family law lawyer and has been with bpv BRAUN PARTNERS since 2023. She has previously worked in the legal profession, the public sector and the not-for-profit sector in the UK.

She graduated from the Faculty of Law at Charles University in Prague. She approaches the law with honesty and fairness and clients know they can always rely on her. Her hobbies include travelling, hiking and children.


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Important: All data on this website represents a general legal communication of an informational nature and does not constitute the provision of legal services pursuant to Section 1 of the Act on the Legal Profession. Provision of legal services takes place only after prior agreement with the future client and individualization of advice.